Oriental Motor


Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter - Oriental Motor (FE100) - Rated power 0.1kW / 100W / 1/8HP - 7-segment display - Input voltage 200Vac-240Vac (3-phase) - built-in fixed acceleration potentiometer trimmer (ACCEL) / built-in fixed deceleration potentiometer trimmer (DECEL)

FE100S - Variable Speed Drives - Inverters - Oriental Motor
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Please add this item to cart to request a quote.
Please add this item to cart to request a quote or contact us at sales@lakelandengineering.com for product availability.
FE100SOriental Motor - FE series


Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter - Oriental Motor (FE100) - Rated power 0.1kW / 100W / 1/8HP - 7-segment display - Input voltage 200Vac-240Vac (3-phase) - built-in fixed acceleration potentiometer trimmer (ACCEL) / built-in fixed deceleration potentiometer trimmer (DECEL)