
Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter with integrated C3 EMC filter + built-in dynamic braking - heavy-duty - Unitronics (UMI-B5 UL series) - Rated output 11kW / 15HP - Wall mounting / Flange mounting - Supply voltage 200Vac-240Vac (208Vac / 220Vac / 230Vac) / 3-phase (3P / 3AC) - Rated current 42A nominal output - Modbus RTU + RS-485 communication capability - frequency (output) 0-400Hz - IP20 - Rated for -10...+50°C ambient

UMI-0110CU-B5 - Variable Speed Drives - Inverters - UNITRONICS
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Please add this item to cart to request a quote.
Please add this item to cart to request a quote or contact us at sales@lakelandengineering.com for product availability.
UMI-0110CU-B5Unitronics - Variable Frequency Drives VFDs - UMI-xxx-B5-UL


Variable Speed/Frequency Drive (VSD/VFD) / Inverter with integrated C3 EMC filter + built-in dynamic braking - heavy-duty - Unitronics (UMI-B5 UL series) - Rated output 11kW / 15HP - Wall mounting / Flange mounting - Supply voltage 200Vac-240Vac (208Vac / 220Vac / 230Vac) / 3-phase (3P / 3AC) - Rated current 42A nominal output - Modbus RTU + RS-485 communication capability - frequency (output) 0-400Hz - IP20 - Rated for -10...+50°C ambient

Additional Information

Unitronics VFD -B5 Casing -220V, 3 phase, 11KW, 15HP